Loch Associates

Blog News

Handling Discrimination in the Workplace

Handling Discrimination in the Workplace

In 2010 the Equality Act was introduced – however, since then there have been many changes, some clarifying the meaning of unlawful discrimination. This article provides an update on discrimination law and what can be done to protect individuals, as well as their employers, from unlawful discrimination claims.

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The Importance of Workplace Wellbeing in a Post COVID-19 Era

The Importance of Workplace Wellbeing in a Post COVID-19 Era

As restrictions have eased, many businesses are taking steps to get back to a more normal way of working after the disruption caused by COVID-19. Unfortunately the after effects are likely to be felt for many years and this will impact employers and how they approach wellbeing going forward. Why is that the case though?

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The Rise of the Grievance

The Rise of the Grievance

More than 18 months on since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of employees raising a formal grievance is increasing. So what has caused this unprecedented ‘rise of the grievance’? There are a number of factors contributing towards post-pandemic disgruntlement, so what can an employer do and how should they deal with the grievances?

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Are Annual Appraisals Still Important?

Are Annual Appraisals Still Important?

As we approach the end of the year, many managers and employees prepare themselves for end-of-year appraisals. However, these reviews are increasingly being regarded as an outdated and unpopular way to assess and manage performance. Should employers now rethink their approach?

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Dealing with Staff and Self-isolation

Dealing with Staff and Self-isolation

Being ‘pinged’ is becoming part of everyday language as large numbers of people have been contacted by the NHS Covid-19 app. With employees returning to the office, how can an employer effectively manage staff who are contacted to self-isolate?

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Effectively Managing A Team Of Remote Workers

Effectively Managing A Team Of Remote Workers

There are no doubt pros to working from home for staff – the commute is shorter and cheaper, staff don’t need to worry about parking, and they can have a homemade lunch every day. However, if staff are remote working all the time, is there a risk they could feel disadvantaged and be treated less favourably at home? Could you lose valuable staff who become isolated or feel undervalued at home?

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Time to revisit expenses post-Covid?

Time to revisit expenses post-Covid?

One thing that has definitely reduced for most businesses during Covid are expense claims. It remains a thorny issue though. The refurbishment of Boris Johnson’s flat at No10 at certainly caused some heated debate about expenses. So, how will things work though when we have a full return to the workplace for some but remote working for others?

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Managing Holidays, Quarantine And The Euros 2020

Managing Holidays, Quarantine And The Euros 2020

It’s important that employers have a considered, consistent and strategic approach on how to manage these requests and any quarantine periods. To help you manage your way through, Loch Associates Group have put together a Q&A.

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