Loch Training & Wellbeing

Health and safety review

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Health and Safety Reviews

It is the legal obligation of every employer to ensure that their employees operate within a safe working environment. As part of that obligation, they are required to ensure risks are appropriately managed and, where possible, eliminated. To identify those risks and ensure that policies and processes are working effectively, employers should undertake a top-level health and safety review. It is recommended that they do so regularly, at least once per year. Your review might reveal additional duties that haven’t been risk assessed yet, processes that could be changed to make them safer, or areas where employees require additional guidance. As part of the review, it is recommended that senior members of staff undertake “shop-floor” inspections, looking beyond the data at what could be improved or what is working well. On the subject of health and safety working well, you might consider publishing the findings of your review, perhaps demonstrating transparency and trustworthiness – two attributes likely to be valued by clients and employment candidates alike.

Safety services:

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As experienced providers of clear, easy-to-understand wellbeing support, our team will be more than happy to discuss how they can help you.

How Loch Wellness can help:

Having undertaken many health and safety reviews for organisations occupying almost every sector possible, Loch Wellness can establish what you want to achieve with your review.

Those objectives might include:

  • Reducing musculoskeletal complaints in your marketing team;
  • Ensuring that food safety regulations are being adhered to in your kitchens;
  • Identifying ways that processes can be improved within your workplace; or
  • Understanding possible causes of avoidable injury within a particular area of your business.

We understand that business interruption is a possible reason for not undertaking a health and safety review. That’s why Loch Wellness offers a comprehensive and unintrusive review, providing you with all the data necessary to understand what’s working and what could be improved.

Armed with that data, it may become clear that some additional health and safety training is required. Loch Wellness can help with that too.

Loch Training & Wellbeing


Your approach is one of collaboration, taking your time to understand the issues, and our position, and then working proactively with us in a practical manner.

FD, Architecture Firm

The whole team is always incredibly responsive, and they work hard to ensure that the process is as smooth as possible.

Chambers UK 2017

Being a new employer can be very daunting but she gave me the confidence to forge ahead with the process always explaining things in a straight forward manner.

Dave Mac, Employer

Thank you for the superb advice you have provided us with over the years.

Business Owner – Care Sector

Your note was clear about the matter and was helpful in forming our review

Finance Director

With his first-hand experience in dealing with all kinds of medical emergencies; Bruce is not only able to provide us with the latest guidelines and techniques but also the kind of personal support you need when facing the stressful situation of how you will react during a medical emergency.

Pieter, Dentist

Bruce was a very engaging trainer, and very creative in his approach. He had his audience connecting very well. The training course was very interesting. Thank you, Bruce.

First Aid Feedback

I was an attendee of the course and after talking to my colleagues who were there we have all said how eye-opening and informative it was. We found a more interactive approach was beneficial as we could relate and draw from our own experiences.

Training course feedback

Bruce was extremely knowledgeable and friendly and made the 3 days training really enjoyable. His experience as a paramedic gave us 100% confidence that we were receiving the best possible training.

Business Travel Consultant

I am highly appreciative of the advice and work I received from Joe Milner and the team at Loch Associates Group.

Joe assisted me with drafting complex supplier contracts and templates for my business and I cannot praise him enough. The work was thorough and Joe’s attention to detail showed he had taken time to really understand what was needed, suggesting ways to adapt them as necessary for our business.

All communications, including from the support team were clear and timely. It was interesting to hear they offer a retainer service, which means Joe can effectively work as the Company’s in-house counsel too, which is a useful service for a business of our size.

Thank you again!

Simon Adby, Nice Work

Your note was very clear about the seemingly complicated and tricky matter and was very helpful in forming our view. Thanks again for your valuable advice and I look forward to working with you in the future.

Finance Director, Manufacturing

Thanks for all your help. Very impressed with how you pressed the negotiations forward on Wednesday to allow us to reach a quick resolution.

App Developer

When I saw Bruce last year I was in a very bad place mentally. For me personally, he came into my life at the right time and if it wasn’t for him I really don’t know if I would be here today. He listened to me and made other people listen and changes were made for the better which helped me, as it improved my life for me. I am in a much better place now and happier in my work and it’s all thanks to Bruce.


I found this course to be excellent. The knowledge I have gained a be so useful for my work and personal. The learning exercises were so good too. It was also beneficial to discuss experiences with others.

Training course feedback

This is one of the best courses I have been on. The content has been very relevant and practical which will help me in my role and also in my personal life. The instructors have been engaging; passing on their passion for this subject.

Training course feedback

The firm is unique, bespoke, and provides a fantastic personalised service.

Chambers and Partners

A pragmatic and common-sense approach is a key factor in why I turn to the firm for advice.


How often should health and safety be reviewed?

Health and safety experts in the UK recommend that you review your policies at least once per year. Doing so can highlight gaps in the knowledge of your employees, areas where additional training is required, and equipment that might be ill-suited for a particular task.

Why is a health and safety review important?

Things change. The change might be internal, to do with the roles and duties of your employees, or it could be external, such as changes to health and safety rules and regulations. A regular review, undertaken by members of your senior leadership team, can ensure that you keep on top of those changes. By undertaking a health and safety review, you can minimise the financial and day-to-day disruption caused by avoidable workplace illness and injury. That disruption includes the potential costs associated with legal action taken by an employee who believes you are breaching your obligation as part of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

How long will a health and safety review take?

How long a health and safety review will take depends on the size of your organisation, the objective that you want to fulfil, and the depth into which you want the review to go. While we can’t give a definitive time limit on how long a health and safety review will take, Loch Wellness guarantees that it will be an efficient and unobtrusive process, allowing you to focus on the day-to-day running of your business.

Enquire now on 0203 667 5400

Our experts are waiting to talk with you and our aim is to respond to all enquiries within 2 hours.

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