As the song goes ‘love is in the air’ – it’s February, the high streets are decked out with Valentine’s day gifts and businesses are being encouraged to ‘love their employees’.
We also often hear the phrase ‘employer / employee relationship’ in HR publications and promotions. It’s true though, having employees is a lot like having a personal relationship so we’ve put together our take on the similarities and what employers can learn from the world of romance.
1. Recruitment is like dating
These days, many people take to the internet to find their next potential partner. But which site do you use? Do you want a short term fling, or a long term relationship? There are so many options.
The same can be said for recruitment – there are a multitude of options available to employers to advertise their jobs – is it a permanent role, a temporary position, or does it require a niche set of skills?
Once your advert is placed, you have to interview your candidates, assess their aptitude with the help of psychometric tests and carry out background screening for the role sometimes too. It’s a lot like going on dates to test whether you’re compatible with your potential new partner!
2. You need to communicate
As anyone who has been in a long term relationship knows, communication is key. Talking to each other, understanding how each other is feeling and adapting your behaviour accordingly is the foundation of a successful relationship.
The same is true between employers and employees – you need regular 1:1’s with staff so you can check in with each other, celebrate successes and share any concerns. The appraisal and performance review process allows for open and honest conversations between managers and employees and a forum to address any concerns before they become relationship-ending.
Sitting alongside the formal performance review process though, you need to take time to check in with how your employees are feeling, provide opportunities for them to give suggestions and ensure they are happy and engaged with work. A simple employee engagement survey tool (such as OfficeVibe), lets you know how your employees are feeling, and enables you to take action to ensure they are happy and motivated to stay with you for the long-term.