News, Blogs & Insights

Could Your Business Benefit from a First Aider?

2 July 2018

Having a trained First Aider is an essential requirement for all businesses but for those employees that are trained, their first aid skills could save a life.

Erica, one of our recent trainees, shares her story of how she used her first aid training to save the life of her partner when he started choking:

“It was Easter Sunday and we were all enjoying a roast beef dinner when my partner jumped up and went into the kitchen. I heard this awful noise and realised he was struggling to breath because he was choking.  I immediately remembered my training from Bruce Jenner and administered five backslaps, however, the meat did not move, so I performed an abdominal thrust which immediately removed the obstruction.I would like to thank Bruce because without such good training my precious partner would not be here today.

I will be forever in your debt!”

Do you want to learn the valuable skills that could save a life? Or would you like to find out more about how our courses can help your business?  Read more about our First Aid Training.

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