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Did you know: good investigations are critical

22 October 2018

Disciplinary and grievance investigations are increasingly subject to closer scrutiny becoming one of the most heavily criticised elements by Employment Tribunals.

A poorly handled investigation also exposes and weakens any exit negotiations. This happens because of poor processes or because your managers are not trained on how to carry out investigations.

An effective disciplinary investigation will put you in a better position to exit an employee fairly. Likewise you will be in a much better position to defend or justify grievance decisions too.

To help you make your Workplace Investigations more effective our ‘Investigatory Pack’ is specifically designed to guide you and/or managers through the steps to take to get the best results.

Our expert team are perfectly placed to support you with conducting Investigations and handling disciplinaries and grievances. Get in touch with us and we can make sure your business is protected.

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